Wage & Hour Litigators
Over the last decade, the lawyers of DCWageLaw have helped thousands of DC and MD employees recover over $15 million in unpaid wages. They have represented workers — from dishwashers to executives — in over 300 wage-and-hour cases in state and federal courts.
100% Confidential. We’re Not Paid Unless You Are.
Wage Theft Is Illegal – You Deserve to Be Paid Properly
Since 2013, DCWageLaw and its top-rated wage and hour lawyers have been lead counsel in over 250 wage-and-hour cases in federal and state courts, helping workers in D.C. and Maryland win millions of dollars in relief for:
- Unpaid minimum wages
- Unpaid overtime wages
- Unpaid prevailing wages
- Employee misclassification (independent contractors vs. employees)
- Off-the-clock work and time shaving
- Unlawful paycheck deductions
- Unpaid salaries, commissions, and vacation days

Wage Theft May Be
Costing You – Even If
You’re Salaried
Wage theft can occur when workers are not paid, underpaid, or misclassified as independent contractors:

Minimum Wage
Pay Practices
Wage Theft May Be Costing You – Even If You’re Salaried
Wage theft can occur when workers are not paid, underpaid, or misclassified as independent contractors:

Minimum Wage


Wage Payments

Fairfax, Va.
We’re Not Paid Unless You Are.
Collect Up To 4x What You’re Owed – Even From Past Employers
From day laborers to salaried professionals, we’ve helped over 800 workers win. Recent client victories include:
in relief for a domestic house worker who had been forced to work long hours for little to no pay
in relief for 5 cooks and food preparers who were not paid properly
in relief for 11 construction workers who were paid straight time for their overtime hours
in relief for a banker who was not paid commissions she had earned
Collect Up To 4x What You’re Owed – Even From Past Employers
From day laborers to salaried professionals, we’ve helped over 800 workers win. Recent client victories include:
in relief for a domestic house worker who had been forced to work long hours for little to no pay
in relief for 5 cooks and food preparers who were not paid properly
in relief for 11 construction workers who were paid straight time for their overtime hours
in relief for a banker who was not paid commissions she had earned
Use Our Calculator to Find Out If You’re Getting Paid the Minimum Wage
Use this calculator to see if you’re receiving the minimum wage in the jurisdiction where you work. Note that this is just an estimate, that this calculator doesn’t cover all situations, and that this is an estimate of your minimum gross wages before taxes.

Helping D.C. & Md. Workers from Around the World
Just like us; our clients come from different backgrounds, speak different languages, and were born in different countries—26 and counting!

Don’t Wait – Call Now To Request An Appointment
Meet with your wage and hour lawyer in our convenient D.C. office space – just one block from the Gallery Pl.-Chinatown Metro station.
Open Monday-Friday, 9-6; Saturday-Sunday by appointment
519 H St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Contact Us form
Find Out Today What You’re Owed.
Join over 800 workers in D.C. & Maryland who have been helped by DCWageLaw.
100% Confidential.
We’re Not Paid Unless You Are.
100% Confidential. We’re Not Paid Unless You Are.

“You deserve to be paid properly.
Let us fight for you!”
Justin Zelikovitz, Managing Partner