Wage Payment, Minimum Wage & Overtime Laws in D.C. & Maryland
If you have not been paid properly, you may be entitled to substantial compensation under D.C. or Maryland law.
I am (or was) employed in:

Wage & Hour Laws in D.C. & Maryland
If you have not been paid properly, you may be entitled to substantial compensation under D.C. or Maryland law.
I am (or was) employed in:
Download Our Complete Guide to Local Wage & Hour Laws
Includes the full text of all current D.C. and Maryland wage laws and regulations, plus the Fair Labor Standards Act, in one easy-to-use, professionally-designed, searchable PDF. Great as a desk reference for practitioners, advocates, and judges, it includes the full text of:
(1) the District of Columbia Minimum Wage Act (“DCMWA”), (2) the District of Columbia Wage Payment and Collection Law (“DCWPCL”), (3) the District of Columbia Workplace Fraud Act (“DCWFA”), (4) the District of Columbia Accrued Safe and Sick Leave Act (“DCASSLA”), (5) the District of Columbia Wage-Hour Rules (“DCMR” or “DCWHR”), (6) the Maryland Wage and Hour Law (“MWHL”), (7) the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law (“MWPCL”), (8) the Maryland Workplace Fraud Act (“MWFA”), (9) the Maryland Lien for Unpaid Wages Law (“MLUWL”), (10) the Maryland Wage and Hour Regulations (“MWHR”), and (11) the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).
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Covering the wage issues most important to workers in D.C. and Maryland.
Recent Posts
Covering the wage issues most important to workers in D.C. and Maryland.