March 2020 | Justin Zelikovitz discusses the difficulties faced by undocumented immigrants during the COVID-19 outbreak in this interview with Washington City Paper.
June 2019 | Justin Zelikovitz discusses the "misleading" automatic gratuity policy of D.C. restaurant Dacha in this June 2019 interview with Washingtonian.
June 21, 2018 | Justin Zelikovitz tells The New Food Economy that D.C.'s Initiative 77—which would increase the minimum wage for tipped workers to $15—is "not gonna happen."
June 20, 2018 | Justin Zelikovitz points out to CityLab that tipped-wage employees are not just people who work in fancy restaurants, or in any restaurants, period.
June 7, 2019 | City Paper held a panel discussion on ballot Initiative 77, which sought to eliminate the tip credit in D.C. Justin Zelikovitz was on the panel supporting 77.